Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And I'm back in the game!

Good thing I have a blog, because I have lots to blog about.

In order of excitement:
1. got my suitcase. This means pictures!
2. I saw Karl Lagerfeld himSELF! You see, he is the designer for Chanel. I think it would be safe to call him pretty much the biggest (currently living) star in the fashion industry. I stared at him with my mouth open, and he looked at me with disgust. It was great.

(Karl Lagerfeld)

3. THEN, the next day, Dominique de Villepin came to the boutique! (He was the prime minister of France under Chirac. I'm told he's the sworn enemy of current president Sarkozy, the one who married a supermodel/ singer, because de Villepin did various unethical things with France's money, like steal some of it, and Sarkozy kind of called him out on it, and now de Villepin is going to run for president on the next round AGAINST Sarkozy even though they're in the same party, and he might win, because Sarkozy isn't very popular right now.) He bought some suits.

(Dominique de Villepin)

4. I had a CONVERSATION with Dominique de Villepin! It went like this: he was walking past me and he said "pardon," .... and I said "pardon." !!! I'm kind of a big deal.


  1. Correction: I have been told that, in fact, de Villepin bought NO suits. However, we GAVE him five. Yes. True.

  2. Hayes Brown wrote:

    (I want to see Villepins's wife before I vote.)
